Friday, April 16, 2010

Arkansas man sentenced for Obama death plot

In Arkansas a man was arrested for plotting to kill 12 black Americans including Barack Obama. He was planning the killing rampage with the start of gathering all of the weapons, and this is when the FBI caught on. This mans weapon of choice was a sawed off shotgun. He wanted to start it with a bunch of robberies and murders with the end being big daddy Obama. Hes going to be tried by his peers in a Arkansas federal court so who really knows how fair of a trial he is going to get considering there is alot of racist still in Arkansas to this day. Its scaring the nation all these psychos running around with guns, and this is the reason why the government wants to get rid of the second amendment.

This is going to be headline news for the government to use to get rid of the second amendment. They believe that if they get rid of guns this wont happen, but really no matter what if someone wants to get a gun they will be able to get a gun underground somehow. So no matter what the government tries to control it wont work prohibition doesn't work. It didn't with Alcohol and it doesn't with marijuana. Because all it causes is a black market to erupt and then we put a unregulated market into the hands of criminals to decide who gets the goods and who doesn't.

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