Thursday, April 29, 2010

ISSUE #1: All Things Being Unequal.

They are worried about Americans being able to support themselves. They want to maybe equal out the money coming in to each household which means taking away alot of freedoms, but they want to take money from the rich and pay the poor, because the government is sick of the struggling poverty. So they want to try a method called Protectionism. Which will slow down outsourcing by putting restrictions on the trade. To keep the jobs in the united states and keep the salary levels up. They also were wanting to raise taxes on rich lower them on the middle class and lower class to even out the nations wealth. Or they want to use a method that was proposed by Thomas Friedman trade barriers and job protection which kills outsourcing, but doing this we would have to raise the taxes to all social classes which in the end could cause the incomes of the working class to be stifled by the government.

I agree with Thomas Friedman that we don't raise the taxes on the rich only, and try to equal out the money coming into households. Which that sounds like communism and everyone knows that people wont accept communism when we have been living in a free nation this long. Protectionism in my opinion wont work, for the fact that we are interdependent on other countries such as India and china for example. We try to stop the trade with those countries and we go down the drain along all other countries because our economies depend on each other to succeed. What Thomas Friedman wants to do is not stop trade to all countries, but raise taxes which does suck, but if we open up markets in other countries it should even out, and maybe even work out in our favor because we will be able to expand business without loosing jobs in the United States. There will always be a big spread of poor to rich, the government cant stop that they need to start worrying about things that they can do which is opening up markets and watching our economy flourish again and become a superpower once again.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

How crash diets harm your health

Linda Bacon is frustrated and disgusted with the upcoming swimsuit season, she is scared about what people do to there bodies to get into revealing clothing. People are actually depriving themselves of food and water and doing intense workouts with fasting after so they could burn some mad calories. The problem with these kind of diets is that it harms the health of your heart. Bacon needs people to stop believing in the deprivation diet, because in the long run you will gain extra weight and have alot less strong of a body from killing all your muscle.

I think bacon ideas are garbage, because people do what they got to do to loose weight. if they want to go as drastic as starving themselves to shed a few pounds then good for them. We all want to look slim in revealing clothes such as swimsuit season. But if it does what she says it will do then maybe we should think of a safer way to loose the weight because it can cause your heart to loose all of its muscle and basically to go into a full body fatigue and end up being really unhealthy and wont be able to keep weight off when your older, and its harder to loose it in the long run.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Arkansas man sentenced for Obama death plot

In Arkansas a man was arrested for plotting to kill 12 black Americans including Barack Obama. He was planning the killing rampage with the start of gathering all of the weapons, and this is when the FBI caught on. This mans weapon of choice was a sawed off shotgun. He wanted to start it with a bunch of robberies and murders with the end being big daddy Obama. Hes going to be tried by his peers in a Arkansas federal court so who really knows how fair of a trial he is going to get considering there is alot of racist still in Arkansas to this day. Its scaring the nation all these psychos running around with guns, and this is the reason why the government wants to get rid of the second amendment.

This is going to be headline news for the government to use to get rid of the second amendment. They believe that if they get rid of guns this wont happen, but really no matter what if someone wants to get a gun they will be able to get a gun underground somehow. So no matter what the government tries to control it wont work prohibition doesn't work. It didn't with Alcohol and it doesn't with marijuana. Because all it causes is a black market to erupt and then we put a unregulated market into the hands of criminals to decide who gets the goods and who doesn't.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Democrats raise money off of Biden's F-bomb

The reason why Biden did this was apparently all for raising money. The president's political arm housed at the Democratic National Committee, is using Biden's now infamous phrase on a T-shirt to commemorate the signing of health care reform into law. A jubilant Biden made the remark after he finished introducing Obama before the president signed the landmark legislation last week. As he was stepping away from the podium, the vice president leaned in to Obama and said, "This is a big f***king deal." The democrats raised money when a republican would of gotten thrown out of senate what is this world coming to!

I hate democrats, this is retarded that Biden can do something like that, and they make it into a t shirt and make money for a special interest group. The only reason why Obama pushed so hard to get this passed is because he was the first black president, and he wanted to make history, kind of pathetic because its just for fame. I wish he would listen to the American people who 70 percent of them wish this health care reform would stop. But whats funny is how dumb Biden was to say that on national TV just shows who's running our country a bunch of dumb monkeys.