Friday, March 26, 2010

House passes Senate's health care 'fixes' bill

Thursday night the house of Representatives passed an altered health care bill. The bill itself passed extremely easy with a 220-207 vote. The only thing the republicans got out of the bill was the student loans being controlled by the government. On Sunday the senate passed the health care bill and all of its add INS. So basically were screwed as a nation, because we are going to go bankrupt. The government is basically trying to get rid of medicare. The plan is shut down medicare and take the funds from that to fund health care reform. One of the other problems is that as an American tax payer you will pay into this fund for 4 years before anyone sees anything done, and as a kid i wont get it tell I'm 25. What is really messed up is reading about this article it seems as its mostly different bills than just health care.

In my opinion Obama and his administration need to be indited, and put in prison for all the ilegal fraud and basically what he has done for our country so far. He wanted change, and guess what he got it, he is going to put this country into bankruptcy, and if that doesnt happen he is going to tax the rich untill they have nothing left. He wants us to become a socialist society, but guess what that doesnt work. Not one person with a sane mind wants to be told when to eat, go to the bathroom, or sleep. So go obama administration bring back the natzi reign in my opinion.

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