Wednesday, March 31, 2010

$250 million for abstinence education not evidence-based, groups say

Well we now find out that the health care reform isn't just about insurance its also spent 50 million towards abstinence education. Its going to be for increasing classes in high school to stress abstinence. Obama is taking advantage of him being able to control where money goes to. And he decides that he is smart enough to take our tax payer dollars and put money into retarded special interest groups. They have a secret funding system to take 75 million dollars without people knowing. Even the democratic party is kind of getting sick of Obama putting money into these off shore special interest groups, its starting to get abit sketchy in the government with all this under the table money to get groups going. They say that if we stress abstinence in school that kids will probably remain sexually active and it wont really have effect.

I don't think abstinence classes are going to help at all, because as a high school kids we don't care about anything but our hormones. This is getting really sickening that people still believe Obama is the best president in our history. He is stealing our tax payer dollars to fund his hood of Illinois. He is a dumb monkey that should be kicked out of government and not allowed to sit on the senate. Wasting money in all sorts of groups is really funny to me, because that is why other countries do hate us.

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