Friday, June 4, 2010

Irish Free Gaza ship heading toward Gaza coast

an Irish cargo ship that passengers say is loaded with humanitarian aid for Gaza, is 150 miles away from the Palestinian territory and will arrive there on Saturday, according to the Free Gaza movement, which owns the vessel.Nineteen people, including activists and crew members, were aboard the vessel and were determined to reach Gaza in spite of the Israeli naval blockade. But when the captain figured out he was in unsafe waters. He didn't have enough time to turn around, but as long as he keeps his attitude straight and doesn't get rowdy with his passengers the Palestinians will leave them alone. Hes not mad about the blockade because he realizes that it needs to have its naval blockade of Gaza to stop weaponry from being transported to militants there intent on attacking Israel.

This is impressive that this captain is staying this calm during this crazy time. the Palestinians are crazy and are not afraid to kill innocent people, if they feel a little endangered. Its interesting that the Palestinians needs a naval blockade to keep safe, but it makes sense because the crazy warfare over in the middle east, there just constantly looking around and watching there backs. Suicide bombings and shootings are all over they have to protect the Gaza strip for one its a lot of oil there, and another is its there holy land.

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