Friday, February 12, 2010

Suicide bomber strikes U.S. base

The bomber was unsuccesful with just 5 wounded and no dead the U.S. dodged another bullet from the guerilla warfare the afghans are using. the man detonated the bomb at 9 p.m. while in the sleeping area of the base. they are still unaware of how this man got into the base, but what investigators believe was this man killed an Afghan patrol officer and took his uniform, because he somehow got his hands on a uniform. Also the NATO building was attacked they arent really sure on what happened they dont believe that it has any relavance to this attack but arent 100% sure.

Im really sick of how this war is being fought, just becasue they know our military will run right over them if they stand up and fight. It is getting really old hearing about these suicide bombers believing they are going to be heros for what they do, but not one person remembers them when they kill themselves so its just a joke that they commit suicide to try and kill our soldiers, and always seem to fail becasue our dealth toll is no where near what theirs are.

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