Friday, June 4, 2010

Irish Free Gaza ship heading toward Gaza coast

an Irish cargo ship that passengers say is loaded with humanitarian aid for Gaza, is 150 miles away from the Palestinian territory and will arrive there on Saturday, according to the Free Gaza movement, which owns the vessel.Nineteen people, including activists and crew members, were aboard the vessel and were determined to reach Gaza in spite of the Israeli naval blockade. But when the captain figured out he was in unsafe waters. He didn't have enough time to turn around, but as long as he keeps his attitude straight and doesn't get rowdy with his passengers the Palestinians will leave them alone. Hes not mad about the blockade because he realizes that it needs to have its naval blockade of Gaza to stop weaponry from being transported to militants there intent on attacking Israel.

This is impressive that this captain is staying this calm during this crazy time. the Palestinians are crazy and are not afraid to kill innocent people, if they feel a little endangered. Its interesting that the Palestinians needs a naval blockade to keep safe, but it makes sense because the crazy warfare over in the middle east, there just constantly looking around and watching there backs. Suicide bombings and shootings are all over they have to protect the Gaza strip for one its a lot of oil there, and another is its there holy land.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

'Human remains' found as police probe 'Crossbow Cannibal' case

Police in England recovered what they believe to be human remains Saturday near the spot where they recently found the body of Suzanne Blamires, who was reported missing this week.
A man who called himself "the Crossbow Cannibal" on Friday has been charged with murder in the death of Blamires and two other women.The remains were discovered in a river on Saturday, about 200 yards from the spot where investigators found Blamires' remains this week.Stephen Griffiths has been charged with murder in the death of three prostitutes.The three are Blamires, 36; Shelley Armitage, a 31-year-old woman who was reported missing in March and Susan Rushworth, 43, who is last known to have been seen in June 2009. None of these cases say how these women died.

Only positive to this story is they found the killer. And he will be charged and never to set foot on free soil again. Its a sad site to see when three families are mourning over the deaths of there kids. These were all random acts of violence, which is scary to believe what people think about and what people are capable of doing. Its gross to think about, that the police officials couldn't identify the bodies, because they were mangled and thrown apart from Griffith's crazed soul. He labeled himself as the Crossbow Cannibal, which in my opinion a gay nickname, only part of it that's scary is the cannibal part, and that's because all cannibals are is just complete psychos that aren't afraid to rip apart a human.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Affidavits: Witnesses ran cocaine, guns for Jamaican drug lord

Christopher Coke's indictment has set off more than a firefight in the streets of Kingston, Jamaica; it's also sparked a diplomatic imbroglio that threatens U.S.-Jamaican relations.The United States wants Coke extradited. Jamaica's ruling party has been slow to respond, and the country's opposition and other observers say the matter is an embarrassment that could hurt Jamaica's standing in the international community.Affidavits from two confidential informants form the basis for charges that Coke, a 41-year-old accused drug kingpin, has pumped cocaine and hundreds of pounds of marijuana into the United States. One witness quoted in the affidavit said Coke used women to body carry, or smuggle internally, the cocaine and travel to New York under the guise of purchasing clothing for their shops in Kingston.

This guy should get full charges and will get full charges. For the plain fact that the U.S. does not deal with drugs getting pumped into it lightly. They will get this guy for the rest of his life, which really isn't to much longer, he will probably end up being killed in prison, but at least we are doing justice by getting coke dealers off the streets. As for how he got it through our security is pretty impressive, this man wasn't a idiot he used planed out strategy's to get illegal narcotics into the united states, and has probably don't it for quite awhile so hats off to him for lasting this long. But all good runs come to an end, and i guess enjoy your prison sentence?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

'Child' survives as 100 feared dead in Libya plane crash

One person believed to be a 10-year-old boy survived a passenger plane crash in Libya. That was feared to have killed more than 100 people, an official said Wednesday The boy was undergoing surgery at a hospital in the Libyan capital of Tripoli after the Afriqiyah Airways plane that left Johannesburg crashed as it neared the end of its flight.The Dutch Foreign ministry said it had a representative at the hospital waiting to identify the boy, believed to be a Dutch national. He apparently suffered bone injuries. The plane was carrying 93 passengers and 11 crew members when it crashed while trying to land at the Tripoli International Airport. Libya's state news agency said 96 bodies had been recovered.

This is amazing that a child with less bone structure than any adult survived this horrific plane crash. I don't understand with the technology now a days how a plane even crashes, these pilots need to be under more drug and alcohol tests, because there's no way they should ever crash one of these planes, you basically dont even drive them anymore there all on computerized lines to where they need to be, besides taking off and landing its on cruise control the whole way. There wasn't even any bad weather in the area so there wasn't any turbulence happening so this plane went down just by driver error I believe which is ridiculous because they have to go through intense training to get there pilots license, and yet they still do this and kill 96 passengers that were innocent probably going on business or coming back from vacation.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mumbai gunman: 'We were sure to die'

Mohammed Ajmal Amir Kasab is a hated man in India. The sole gunman to be captured alive in the November 2008 terrorist attack on Mumbai, Kasab has been sentenced to death for his role in the bloody three-day siege that killed more than 160 people.Indian authorities are not even sure of his age. Kasab insisted he was a minor, but the court ordered medical tests and determined he was at least 20 years old. He was captured by police overnight after the first day of the attacks. Kasab was held directly responsible for killing people inside Mumbai's main train station. Security video showed Kasab wielding an assault weapon as he and another man sprayed bullets into the crowded terminal.Just after he was caught, authorities say Kasab confessed to taking part in the attacks in which he and nine others carried out a plan to take over five-star hotels and a Jewish cultural center, and wreak havoc on India's financial capitol.

This guy is a psycho its scary to see these guys running free in this world. They don't care about one thing in this life, they take a human life as its a petty crime, but really there stealing a life which is the biggest crime of all, your not just stealing that humans life but your stealing someones right to have a son or a kid and a right to have a wife. but they did reject him his civil rights which took away due process which is our (4-8) amendments so this guy will probably get out free because the idiots who arrested him didn't follow there simple rules, and forced a confession out of him using tactics that are looked down upon by all countries, and its just another reason why every country hates us.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

ISSUE #1: All Things Being Unequal.

They are worried about Americans being able to support themselves. They want to maybe equal out the money coming in to each household which means taking away alot of freedoms, but they want to take money from the rich and pay the poor, because the government is sick of the struggling poverty. So they want to try a method called Protectionism. Which will slow down outsourcing by putting restrictions on the trade. To keep the jobs in the united states and keep the salary levels up. They also were wanting to raise taxes on rich lower them on the middle class and lower class to even out the nations wealth. Or they want to use a method that was proposed by Thomas Friedman trade barriers and job protection which kills outsourcing, but doing this we would have to raise the taxes to all social classes which in the end could cause the incomes of the working class to be stifled by the government.

I agree with Thomas Friedman that we don't raise the taxes on the rich only, and try to equal out the money coming into households. Which that sounds like communism and everyone knows that people wont accept communism when we have been living in a free nation this long. Protectionism in my opinion wont work, for the fact that we are interdependent on other countries such as India and china for example. We try to stop the trade with those countries and we go down the drain along all other countries because our economies depend on each other to succeed. What Thomas Friedman wants to do is not stop trade to all countries, but raise taxes which does suck, but if we open up markets in other countries it should even out, and maybe even work out in our favor because we will be able to expand business without loosing jobs in the United States. There will always be a big spread of poor to rich, the government cant stop that they need to start worrying about things that they can do which is opening up markets and watching our economy flourish again and become a superpower once again.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

How crash diets harm your health

Linda Bacon is frustrated and disgusted with the upcoming swimsuit season, she is scared about what people do to there bodies to get into revealing clothing. People are actually depriving themselves of food and water and doing intense workouts with fasting after so they could burn some mad calories. The problem with these kind of diets is that it harms the health of your heart. Bacon needs people to stop believing in the deprivation diet, because in the long run you will gain extra weight and have alot less strong of a body from killing all your muscle.

I think bacon ideas are garbage, because people do what they got to do to loose weight. if they want to go as drastic as starving themselves to shed a few pounds then good for them. We all want to look slim in revealing clothes such as swimsuit season. But if it does what she says it will do then maybe we should think of a safer way to loose the weight because it can cause your heart to loose all of its muscle and basically to go into a full body fatigue and end up being really unhealthy and wont be able to keep weight off when your older, and its harder to loose it in the long run.